Shifting Paradigms
From the author of the book "Shifting Paradigms: A former Christian's critique of the bible." comes the podcast Shifting Paradigms. Everything from religion, philosophy, culture, history, to science and technology is discussed. With a primary focus on religion, bible criticism, and morality, the host of Shifting Paradigms is a former Christian of over a decade, expressing himself, from how and why he transitioned, and walking the audience through his deconstruction process. Dialing in on the many contradictions, morality conflicts, and atrocities that the KJV contains. While also comparing the original version to the KJV translated version of the bible in many areas being misinterpreted. Books, articles, and websites from other researchers and Bible scholars on the subject will be referenced and used as well during this podcast.

Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
In this episode, we have our first guest and close friend Robert P.Robert has a similar background from family to friends, as well as early life being raised in a Christian family and later transitioning from the faith towards being an agnostic atheist.

Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
In our 3rd episode on Shifting Paradigms we go over Genesis 4, Cain and Abel.
The chapter leaves us with more questions than answers, some being:
1. Why did God favor animal sacrifice over fruit of the ground.
2. Why was God willing to avenge a murderer seven fold.
3. How was Cain able to leave the presence of an omnipresent God.
4. Was Cain and Abel in the garden of Eden, if so weren't Adam and Eve banish from Eden in chapter 2-3?
5. Where did Cain's wife come from, and how were they able to build a city?
6. Why was God okay with polygamy
7. Why did God allow for murder to occur twice.
8. How come God didn't revive Abel
9. Why didn't Abel go to heaven, because at this point and state in the bible heaven was the atmosphere/space rather than an afterlife destination.

Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
In this episode, I go over Genesis Chapter 1 through 3, pointing out many holes and lack of logic and reason.
This is a former Christian's critique of corner stone chapters of the faith. The order and reordering of Creation events, firmament aka heaven meaning, the Fall of Man, the placing of the serpent in the garden, and God being gods aka polytheism.

Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Social media, seeking validation, waisting time, support from friends and family, and / or lack thereof.
Leveraging favortism and lack of support as fuel for propelling yourself.